Text Tag

'Writes' ASCII text on the image. You can choose from a variety of settings to customize it, including fonts, colors, sizes, positioning and antialiasing.

ParameterDescriptionRequiredAllowed ValuesDefault
textASCII value to write.Yes[CData]n/a
colorThe font color for the text.No[#RRGGBB]000000 (black)
antiAliasingWhether to anti alias the font. Results in smooth edges if used.No[true, false]false
fontURIA URI identifying the font to be loaded.No[URI]System Default Font
fontSizeThe font size in pixels.No[1-n]12
fontStyleThe derived font style.No[plain, italic, bold]plain
opacityThe font color opacity, where 0 is translucent and 100 is opaque.No[0-100]100
orientationThe font orientation in degrees, based on the original orientation assumed bein 0 for 'north'.No[0-360]0
positionQuick 'dial pad' positioning, where 1 is top-left and 9 is bottom-rightNo[1-9]9
borderOffsetText pixel distance from the nearest border, based on position.No[1-n]0
idHTML id attribute.No[CData]n/a
imageImage source URI.Yes[URI]n/a
encodeEncoding format for the resulting image.No[png , gif , jpg , tif , bmp]Source image format
widthImage width.No[CData]n/a
heightImage height.No[CData]n/a
titleImage title shown on tooltips.No[CData]n/a
borderImage border width.No[CData]n/a
cssClasscss class applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
cssStylecss style directly applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
onclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
ondblclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousedownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoverJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousemoveJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoutJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeydownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeyupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a