Resize Tag

High quality bicubic image resize filter for up or downscaling. Scales the image to the specified proportions, disregarding aspect ratio (will stretch or squeeze the image as needed).

ParameterDescriptionRequiredAllowed ValuesDefault
idHTML id attribute.No[CData]n/a
imageImage source URI.Yes[URI]n/a
encodeEncoding format for the resulting image.No[png , gif , jpg , tif , bmp]Source image format
widthImage width.Yes[CData]n/a
heightImage height.Yes[CData]n/a
smartThis switches the resizer into smart mode which preserves the original Aspect Ratio of the image by smart cropping for resize operations with arbitrary width and height.No[true, false]false
titleImage title shown on tooltips.No[CData]n/a
borderImage border width.No[CData]n/a
cssClasscss class applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
cssStylecss style directly applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
onclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
ondblclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousedownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoverJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousemoveJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoutJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeydownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeyupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a