Greyscale Tag

Desaturates the image, preserving luminance, but removing all color information.

ParameterDescriptionRequiredAllowed ValuesDefault
alphaAdjusts the brightness from -100 (black) to 100 (white) during the operationNo[[-100]-100]0
encodeEncoding format for the resulting image.No[png , gif , jpg , tif , bmp]Source image format
idHTML id attribute.No[CData]n/a
imageImage source URI.Yes[URI]n/a
widthImage width.No[CData]n/a
heightImage height.No[CData]n/a
titleImage title shown on tooltips.No[CData]n/a
borderImage border width.No[CData]n/a
cssClasscss class applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
cssStylecss style directly applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
onclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
ondblclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousedownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoverJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousemoveJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoutJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeydownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeyupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a