JAI Setup

This document explains how to setup your JVM for JAI use with JMAGE, including hardware acceleration. Since JAI includes native and java libraries, the installation process is different from 100% pure Java software. If your platform is not listed here, please check SUN's JAI site for further details. If you don't want to modify your existing JDK installation, You can also download a prepackaged JDK bundle including JAI here.

Wintel Configuration

First download the JAI 1.1.2 "classpath" distribution for Windows from the site above, though depending on which distribution of JMAGE you downloaded, the /lib/win folder may already have the necessary libs included. Now run the windows installer and let it do it's work. After it's finished, you should have a JAI folder that looks similar to this:

You will need all the jar files on your application classpath, so you should include them in the WEB-INF/lib folder of your application. All files ending on .dll or .exe go into your ${JAVA_HOME}/BIN folder so the JNI interface can find them at runtime. Without those files, there will be no hardware acceleration.