Chain Tag

This tag applies a single filter or an arbitrary filter chain, specified through a unique name. You can add request params that get translated into filter properties and are set where applicable.

ParameterDescriptionRequiredAllowed ValuesDefault
chainThe chain name follows the java package/class naming syntax, i.e com.mycorp.filters.MyFilter. This is resolved by the filterchain factories.Yes[class names]n/a
propertiesHTTP query string properties, concatenated with &, i.e. &text=blah&color=ff0000NoQuery string paramsn/a
idHTML id attribute.No[CData]n/a
imageImage source URI.Yes[URI]n/a
encodeEncoding format for the resulting image.No[png , gif , jpg , tif , bmp]Source image format
widthImage width.No[CData]n/a
heightImage height.No[CData]n/a
titleImage title shown on tooltips.No[CData]n/a
borderImage border width.No[CData]n/a
cssClasscss class applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
cssStylecss style directly applied to the image tag.No[CData]n/a
onclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
ondblclickJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousedownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoverJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmousemoveJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onmouseoutJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeydownJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a
onkeyupJavascript handling for this event.No[Javascript]n/a