View Javadoc

1   package org.jmage;
3   import org.jmage.cache.CachingFactoryProxy;
4   import org.jmage.dispatcher.RequestDispatcher;
5   import org.jmage.encoder.EncoderManager;
6   import org.jmage.encoder.ImageEncoder;
7   import org.jmage.filterchain.FilterChainFactory;
8   import org.jmage.filterchain.FilterChainManager;
9   import org.jmage.resource.ResourceFactory;
10  import org.jmage.resource.ResourceManager;
11  import org.jmage.resource.DefaultResourceManager;
12  import org.jmage.util.ReflectionUtil;
13  import org.jmage.util.XmlUtil;
14  import org.w3c.dom.Document;
15  import org.w3c.dom.Node;
16  import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
17  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
19  import;
20  import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
21  import java.util.ArrayList;
22  import java.util.Properties;
23  import;
25  /***
26   * Creates ApplicationContext from an xml config file
27   */
28  public class XmlApplicationContext extends ApplicationContext {
29      public static final String CONFIGFILE = "jmage.xml";
30      private static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";
31      private static final String PROPERTY = "property";
32      private static final String NAME = "name";
33      private static final String VALUE = "value";
34      private static final String RESOURCEMANAGER = "resourcemanager";
35      private static final String CLASS = "class";
36      private static final String FILTERCHAINMANAGER = "filterchainmanager";
37      private static final String FACTORY = "factory";
38      private static final String ENCODERMANAGER = "encodermanager";
39      private static final String REQUESTDISPATCHER = "requestdispatcher";
40      private static final String POOL = "pool";
41      private static final String DEFAULTPOOLSIZE = "1";
43      private static final String CACHE_SIZE = "cachesize";
44      private static final String CACHE_TYPE = "cachetype";
45      private static final String CACHE_DIR = "cachedir";
47      private static XmlUtil xmlUtil = new XmlUtil();
48      private static ReflectionUtil reflectionUtil = new ReflectionUtil();
49      private static final String INITIALIZATION_EXCEPTION = "unable to initialize jmage application context, cause: ";
50      private static final String FILTERCHAINFACTORY_INIT = " initialized FilterChainFactory: ";
51      private static final String FILTERCHAINMANAGER_INIT = " initialized FilterChainManager: ";
52      private static final String IMAGEENCODER_INIT = " initialized ImageEncoder: ";
53      private static final String ENCODERMANAGER_INIT = " initialized EncoderManager: ";
54      private static final String REQUESTDISPATCHER_INIT = " initialized RequestDispatcher";
55      private static final String CONTEXT_INIT = " initialized ApplicationContext using xml config file";
56      private static final String RESOURCEFACTORY_INIT = " initialized ResourceFactory: ";
57      private static final String RESOURCEMANAGER_INIT = " initialized ResourceManager: ";
58      private static final String CACHE_NOTINIT = "unable to initialize cache, either not configured or missing/false params, cause: ";
60      /***
61       * Use getContext instead.
62       */
63      protected XmlApplicationContext() {
64          super();
65      }
67      /***
68       * Create an XmlApplicationContext instance.
69       *
70       * @return the applicationContext
71       */
72      public static ApplicationContext getContext(ApplicationContext context) {
73          if (context == null) {
74              context = new XmlApplicationContext();
75          }
77          try {
78              Document document = getConfigFile();
79              Node documentNode = document.getDocumentElement();
80              assert documentNode != null : INITIALIZATION_EXCEPTION;
82              //read properties
83              XmlApplicationContext.getProperties(documentNode, context);
85              //configure resourcefactories
86              XmlApplicationContext.getResourceManager(documentNode, context);
88              //configure filterchainfactories
89              XmlApplicationContext.getFilterChainManager(documentNode, context);
91              //configure ImageEncoders
92              XmlApplicationContext.getEncoderManager(documentNode, context);
94              //configure RequestDispatcher
95              XmlApplicationContext.getRequestDispatcher(documentNode, context);
97              if (log.isInfoEnabled());
98              return context;
99          } catch (Exception e) {
100             log.fatal(INITIALIZATION_EXCEPTION + e.getMessage());
101             throw new RuntimeException(INITIALIZATION_EXCEPTION + e.getMessage());
102         }
103     }
105     private static Document getConfigFile() throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
106         Document config = null;
107         try {
108         config =;
109         } catch (Exception e) {
110             config =;
111         }
112         return config;
113     }
115     private static void getResourceManager(Node documentNode, ApplicationContext context) throws NoSuchAttributeException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ConfigurationException {
116         ResourceManager resourceManager = null;
117         Node resourceManagerNode = xmlUtil.getNamedChildNode(documentNode, RESOURCEMANAGER);
118         NodeList resourceFactoryNodes = resourceManagerNode.getChildNodes();
120         String poolSize = null;
121         try {
122             poolSize = xmlUtil.getAttribute(resourceManagerNode, POOL);
123         } catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
124             poolSize = DEFAULTPOOLSIZE;
125         }
126         int iPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(poolSize);
127         for (int p = 0; p < iPoolSize; p++) {
128             ArrayList resourceFactories = new ArrayList();
129             for (int i = 0; i <= resourceFactoryNodes.getLength() - 1; i++) {
130                 Node resourceFactoryNode = resourceFactoryNodes.item(i);
131                 if (FACTORY.equals(resourceFactoryNode.getNodeName())) {
132                     String clazz = xmlUtil.getAttribute(resourceFactoryNode, CLASS);
133                     ResourceFactory resourceFactory = (ResourceFactory) reflectionUtil.instantiate(clazz);
134                     try {
135                         //try to find and configure cache
136                         Properties cacheProps = new Properties();
137                         cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_SIZE, xmlUtil.getAttribute(resourceFactoryNode, CACHE_SIZE));
138                         cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_TYPE, xmlUtil.getAttribute(resourceFactoryNode, CACHE_TYPE));
139                         cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_DIR, context.getProperty(CACHE_DIR));
140                         resourceFactory = (ResourceFactory) CachingFactoryProxy.newInstance(resourceFactory, cacheProps);
141                     } catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
142                         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(CACHE_NOTINIT + e.getMessage());
143                     }
144                     //configure with global properties
145                     resourceFactory.configure(context);
146                     resourceFactories.add(resourceFactory);
147                     if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + resourceFactory.getClass().getName());
148                 }
149             }
150             resourceManager = new DefaultResourceManager(resourceFactories);
151             resourceManager.configure(context);
152             context.addResourceManager(resourceManager);
153             if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + resourceManager + p);
154         }
155     }
157     private static void getRequestDispatcher(Node documentNode, ApplicationContext context) throws NoSuchAttributeException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ConfigurationException {
158         RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = null;
159         Node requestDispatcherNode = xmlUtil.getNamedChildNode(documentNode, REQUESTDISPATCHER);
160         String requestDispatcherClass = xmlUtil.getAttribute(requestDispatcherNode, CLASS);
162         String poolSize = null;
163         try {
164             poolSize = xmlUtil.getAttribute(requestDispatcherNode, POOL);
165         } catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
166             poolSize = DEFAULTPOOLSIZE;
167         }
168         int iPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(poolSize);
169         for (int i = 0; i < iPoolSize; i++) {
170             requestDispatcher = (RequestDispatcher) reflectionUtil.instantiate(requestDispatcherClass);
171             try {
172                 //try configuring cache
173                 Properties cacheProps = new Properties();
174                 cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_SIZE, xmlUtil.getAttribute(requestDispatcherNode, CACHE_SIZE));
175                 cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_TYPE, xmlUtil.getAttribute(requestDispatcherNode, CACHE_TYPE));
176                 cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_DIR, context.getProperty(CACHE_DIR));
177                 requestDispatcher = (RequestDispatcher) CachingFactoryProxy.newInstance(requestDispatcher, cacheProps);
178             } catch (Exception e) {
179                 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(CACHE_NOTINIT + e.getMessage());
180             }
181             requestDispatcher.configure(context);
182             context.addRequestDispatcher(requestDispatcher);
183             //TODO: why does toString() on proxy throw NullPointerException?
184             if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + i);
185         }
186     }
188     private static void getFilterChainManager(Node documentNode, ApplicationContext context) throws NoSuchAttributeException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ConfigurationException {
189         FilterChainManager filterChainManager = null;
190         Node filterChainManagerNode = xmlUtil.getNamedChildNode(documentNode, FILTERCHAINMANAGER);
191         NodeList filterChainFactoryNodes = filterChainManagerNode.getChildNodes();
193         String poolSize = null;
194         try {
195             poolSize = xmlUtil.getAttribute(filterChainManagerNode, POOL);
196         } catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
197             poolSize = DEFAULTPOOLSIZE;
198         }
199         int iPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(poolSize);
200         for (int p = 0; p < iPoolSize; p++) {
201             ArrayList filterChainFactories = new ArrayList();
202             for (int i = 0; i <= filterChainFactoryNodes.getLength() - 1; i++) {
203                 Node filterChainFactoryNode = filterChainFactoryNodes.item(i);
204                 if (FACTORY.equals(filterChainFactoryNode.getNodeName())) {
205                     String clazz = xmlUtil.getAttribute(filterChainFactoryNode, CLASS);
206                     FilterChainFactory filterChainFactory = (FilterChainFactory) reflectionUtil.instantiate(clazz);
207                     try {
208                         //try to find and configure cache
209                         Properties cacheProps = new Properties();
210                         cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_SIZE, xmlUtil.getAttribute(filterChainFactoryNode, CACHE_SIZE));
211                         cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_TYPE, xmlUtil.getAttribute(filterChainFactoryNode, CACHE_TYPE));
212                         cacheProps.setProperty(CACHE_DIR, context.getProperty(CACHE_DIR));
213                         filterChainFactory = (FilterChainFactory) CachingFactoryProxy.newInstance(filterChainFactory, cacheProps);
214                     } catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
215                         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(CACHE_NOTINIT + e.getMessage());
216                     }
217                     //configure with global properties
218                     filterChainFactory.configure(context);
219                     filterChainFactories.add(filterChainFactory);
220                     if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + filterChainFactory.getClass().getName());
221                 }
222             }
223             filterChainManager = new FilterChainManager(filterChainFactories);
224             filterChainManager.configure(context);
225             context.addFilterChainManager(filterChainManager);
226             if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + filterChainManager + p);
227         }
228     }
230     private static void getEncoderManager(Node documentNode, ApplicationContext context) throws NoSuchAttributeException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ConfigurationException {
231         EncoderManager encoderManager = null;
232         Node encoderManagerNode = xmlUtil.getNamedChildNode(documentNode, ENCODERMANAGER);
233         NodeList encoderFactoryNodes = encoderManagerNode.getChildNodes();
235         String poolSize = null;
236         try {
237             poolSize = xmlUtil.getAttribute(encoderManagerNode, POOL);
238         } catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
239             poolSize = DEFAULTPOOLSIZE;
240         }
241         int iPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(poolSize);
242         for (int p = 0; p < iPoolSize; p++) {
243             ArrayList encoderFactories = new ArrayList();
244             for (int i = 0; i <= encoderFactoryNodes.getLength() - 1; i++) {
245                 Node encoderFactoryNode = encoderFactoryNodes.item(i);
246                 if (FACTORY.equals(encoderFactoryNode.getNodeName())) {
247                     String clazz = xmlUtil.getAttribute(encoderFactoryNode, CLASS);
248                     ImageEncoder imageEncoder = (ImageEncoder) reflectionUtil.instantiate(clazz);
249                     //configure with global properties
250                     imageEncoder.configure(context);
251                     encoderFactories.add(imageEncoder);
252                     if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + imageEncoder.getClass().getName());
253                 }
254             }
255             encoderManager = new EncoderManager(encoderFactories);
256             encoderManager.configure(context);
257             context.addEncoderManager(encoderManager);
258             if (log.isInfoEnabled()) + encoderManager);
259         }
260     }
262     private static void getProperties(Node documentNode, ApplicationContext context) throws NoSuchAttributeException {
263         Node propertiesNode = xmlUtil.getNamedChildNode(documentNode, PROPERTIES);
264         NodeList propertyNodes = propertiesNode.getChildNodes();
265         for (int i = 0; i <= propertyNodes.getLength() - 1; i++) {
266             Node propertyNode = propertyNodes.item(i);
267             if (PROPERTY.equals(propertyNode.getNodeName())) {
268                 String propertyName = xmlUtil.getAttribute(propertyNode, NAME);
269                 String propertyValue = xmlUtil.getAttribute(propertyNode, VALUE);
270       , propertyValue);
271             }
272         }
273         System.getProperties().putAll(;
274     }
275 }